Book Review : Bombay Fever

Bombay Fever by Sidin Vadukut I t was with mixed expectations that I pre-ordered Sidin Vadukut's latest offering, Bombay Fever. I have read the Dork series authored by him and have also keenly followed his blog, Domain Maximus. His writings for Mint have been informative, insightful and entertaining. I was under the impression that Bombay Fever would be a tongue in cheek satire on India's public health system. It was not. Bombay Fever starts off at a fast pace, which is maintained throughout. The author's attention to detail does not slow down this pace. The book is essentially a story about a killer bug that manifests itself in the crowded megapolis of Mumbai and the ensuing epidemic. It also goes about showing the medical, scientific and administrative response to the disease. All this is portrayed in a very realistic manner and the plausibility of these events actually occurring is very real indeed. The reader actually feels the fear, despair and relief of the ch...